
' Everything is an art.Art is created with beautiful ideas and feelings,art should matter cause it will help us to enhance our skills,and critical thinking'

' The arts matter because they help us see the world from different perspectives. They give us empathy and help us understand people,places,periods of history,and issues with which we may otherwise be unfamiliar. The arts ignite something our brains that i can't explain but i know it's essential for life.'

' The word art has many meanings. Art helps a lot from our daily interactions in various fields of dealing with other people. Through art our puzzle expands, so that we can sharpen our thinking more broadly. Above all it will help each student and study different translations.'

' According to Dr. Jose Dalisay Jr. The art should matter not only because they're good for the soul,but because they're good for body as well. Taking the body to mean our economic and material well -being. The arts can mean big business. The art underlie what have been called "creative industries".'

' Everything is an art. It is also the way for me to express how i feel/ emotion. Art matters cause it helps us to be creative the way we think, act and make our future better. '

' The arts should matter not only because they’re good for the soul, but because they’re good for the body as well.'

' Because art is everything. In other words,art is an act of expressing feeling, thought,and observations. And even us we are example of an arts that created by God. And we're ever you go and we're ever you look we find art so that art is everywhere.'

' Because everyone needs it in our life they give an experience to how creates an arts and humanities enrich and ennoble us.then even if they were not socially ise full.'

' All you see is art. Art is an impression and way of artist to express his/her style and fashion. Through art artist can boost his creativity skills and wide imagination by through creating a wonderful outcome on his masterpiece and artwork. Without art the world will be nothing'

' All you see is art art is the impression and way of the artist to express his/her fashion. Through art artist can boost his creativity skills and wide imagination through creating a wonderful outcome on his masterpiece and artwork. Without art the world will be nothing'

' Every society has its own art. Art influences society by changing opinions. Art in this sense is communication. The art improve academic achievement enhancing test scores, attitudes, social skills, critical and creative thinking. Art is often a vehicle for social change. '

' Art can see everything. On how we enlighten our feeling of creativity of the wonderful things in the world how we make each other happy by making art'

' Because art is shown who we are and art is important because it is the way to understand the story of each othe'

' ART is for everything, because you express your imagination,conceptual ideas,emotion and you can be a mirror and reveals change in politics and morality.'

' Arts should matter because arts is meant to move people either on an intellectual or emotional level and they give us a mutual space where we can talk to one another about the most important things to us.and I learn something about people and places I would have never known otherwise.and through arts we can express our feelings that we don't express by saying it. '

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