
Category : "Education Science and Teacher Training" with 130 Results

This survey on the modernity of ethnomathematics addresses numerous themes related to both ethnomathematics and mathematics education. It offers a broader view of mathematics, including ideas, procedures, concepts, processes, methods, and practices rooted in distinct cultural environments. In addition, by reflecting on the social and political dimensions of ethnomathematics, another important aspect of this research program is the development of innovative approaches for a dynamic and glocalized society. Ethnomathematics recognizes that members of different cultures develop unique mathematical techniques, methods, and explanations that allow for an alternative understanding and transformation of societal norms. The theoretical basis of ethnomathematics offers a valid alternative to traditional studies of history, philosophy, cognition, and pedagogical aspects of mathematics. The current agenda for ethnomathematics is to continue an ongoing, progressive trajectory that contributes to the achievement of social justice, peace, and dignity for all. The debates outlined in this book share a few of the key ideas that provide for a clearer understanding of the field of ethnomathematics and its current state of the art by discussing its pedagogical actions, its contributions for teacher education, and its role in mathematics education.

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This open access book presents a person-centered exploration of student profiles, using variables related to motivation to do school mathematics derived from the IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) data. Statistical cluster analysis is used to identify groups of students with similar motivational profiles, across grades and over time, for multiple participating countries. While motivational variables systematically relate to school outcomes, linear relationships can obscure the diverse makeup of student subgroups, each with varying combinations of motivation, emotions, and attitudes. In this book, a person-centered analysis of distinct and meaningful motivational profiles and their differences on sociodemographic variables and mathematics performance broadens understanding about the role that motivation characteristics play in learning and achievement in mathematics. Exploiting the richness of IEA’s TIMSS data from many countries, extracted clusters reveal consistent, as well as certain nuanced patterns that are systematically linked to sociodemographic and achievement measures. Student clusters with inconsistent motivational profiles were found in all countries; mathematics self-confidence then emerged as the variable more closely associated with average achievement. The findings demonstrate that teachers, researchers, and policymakers need to take into account differential student profiles, prioritizing techniques that target skill and competence in mathematics, in educational efforts to develop student motivation.

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This Open Access 7th edition of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) handbook addresses the latest developments and innovations in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and cellular therapy. Consisting of 93 chapters, it has been written by 175 leading experts in the field. Discussing all types of stem cell and bone marrow transplantation, including haplo-identical stem cell and cord blood transplantation, it also covers the indications for transplantation, the management of early and late complications as well as the new and rapidly evolving field of cellular therapies. This book provides an unparalleled description of current practices to enhance readers’ knowledge and practice skills.

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Earth observations are usually discussed in the context of science, but in this volume we explore the political aspects, driven by a desire to understand the interplay between environmental policy and technical developments in Earth observation. This volume covers findings first presented at a November 2015 workshop held in Tokyo, Japan, on “Assessing the Impact of Satellite Earth Observation on Society and Policy.” The contents explore policy-relevant satellite observations in a number of key areas, as well as the coordination and governance of Earth-observing systems required to maximize their contribution to solving a range of environmental problems.

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This topical survey focuses on research in tertiary mathematics education, a field that has experienced considerable growth over the last 10 years. Drawing on the most recent journal publications as well as the latest advances from recent high-quality conference proceedings, our review culls out the following five emergent areas of interest: mathematics teaching at the tertiary level; the role of mathematics in other disciplines; textbooks, assessment and students’ studying practices; transition to the tertiary level; and theoretical-methodological advances. We conclude the survey with a discussion of some potential directions for future research in this new and rapidly evolving domain of inquiry.

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