
Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics

  • Commission on Higher Education
  • 2020-06-25 14:30:08
  • 428

This book brings an updated state of the art of phylogenetic diversity in conservation biology. Nineteen chapters written by scientists from research institutions of fourteen countries demonstrate that approaches for preserving the evolutionary heritage are now very tuned into human impacts and sustainability issues. The questions, methods and applications around which it is organized show the importance of phylogenetic diversity in avoiding biodiversity losses in the present extinction crisis. They touch important points such as the way we value phylogenetic diversity, the importance of thinking at a much wider sample of the Tree of Life, the choice of adequate measures. In methods section, new solutions, such as dealing with abundances, sampling effort, or with information coming from conflicting phylogenetic trees are provided. Application section includes study cases of different groups of organi sms, such as mammals, amphibians, butterflies and plants, in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, showing that phylogenetic diversity can be applied in a very wide range of situations, including as a way for predicting conservation status of species.

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